Monday, August 27, 2007

It's My Birthday!

Two days ago I, Larry, celebrated my ??st birthday. I can't say how old I am cause Colleen thinks that people will then guess how old she is. Oh well. I'm older than I look. And that's ok with me. It was a very interesting day. Colleen had made all the arrangements of what was happening during the day. I felt lazy in the morning and so didn't do much. Than in the afternoon some of our friends showed up for birthday cake. Then we found out that a member from our church lost his father to a sudden death and so as soon as everyone left we hurried to teh funeral. Enrique's father wasn't a believer and so Enrique found it very hard. Last minute he asked me to share something just before he was buried into a cement wall. It reminded me of the days when I first started preaching and my knees would shake when I got up to speak. Well I prayed hard asking the Lord to give me the words to share and he did. I just pray that he will now use those words to speak to the hearts of those attending the burial. Colleen didn't stay because she had another surprise for me. When I got back to the house the youth were over cooking supper. We had a barbeque and it was all delicious. Colleen made delicious desert for my birthday cake as that is my most favorite desert. Thanks to all who called or sent a message. It was appreciated. The following are a few of the pictures from the party.


Mom said...

Sorry Larry! I send a card on e-mail but it came back, because I had mis spelled Clandelero!! Belated Happy Birthday! hope you had a great day! I did call also. I TRYED!

Crystal said...

Happy Birthday Larry!
I hope your day was special!